When I first started, honestly I was rather intimidated with hand drawing cartoons based on famous characters like MickeyMouse etc ... cause as I have mentioned earlier in my other entry like:
http://anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com/2009/06/mycupcakes-marvel-lous-collection.html .. or ... http://anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com/2009/05/ben-10-for-sue_24.html
I have this absurd imagination seeing kids screaming and running away from my crooked drawing that does not in any way resemble anything like the actual cartoon characters...
But as I progressed and with practice and more practice from one project to another, you become more confident and my hand drawn cartoons gets much better looking... (with the exception of Mickey Mouse at this stage)... For example.. like my BEN10... SHINCHAN... DORAEMON... Am quite happy with them...
But for the above, I am taking in terms of Cupcakes and cupcakes only ... wherein the top diameter of the same is roughly... about 7cm... a very small space to work with... but now that I have ventured in big cakes... larger hand drawn cartoon are very and I would think be quite difficult to do for a larger space ... and to date I have not done such deco ie handdrawn decoration unto big cakes.. as you can see from my work..
Luckily, I have a very resourceful and very the semangat other half who likes doing the research and homework with skills and techniques involved in decorating cakes... and wants me to excel in what I do... am one lucky gal =)
I present to you.... FROZEN BUTTERCREAM TRANSFER (FBT) - Credit goes to Mr Erwin Effendy Sajali for the research and my heartfelt love and gratitude for relentlessly pushing me to experiment and get off my lazy bum to try out this technique.
Basically, this technique would be a further addition to/alternative to edible image and fondant deco... I would say ... the final product is rather life like and you could almost replicate most of the characters I would think.
Why is is called FBT?
1. Once you have done your buttercream design, you would need to keep the same in the fridge for it to harden ... hence the FROZEN bit.
2. Once the said buttercream design has harden, you would then just TRANSFER the said design unto the surface your cake and tadaaaaa.... it's ready!
So now based on what I have done... I would say now that I would know what to do and Insya Allah would be more confident if there is a request for hand draw characters for MyBigCakes...
Anyways, as they say, pictures speak a thousand word and the following would explain everything to my peeps...
Imagine peeps... imagine peeps...



Ensemble of all my FBT:

So, am kind of looking forward to deco a cake request with BFT...
Now, Everybody say it together...
F...... B........... T..........
Just some updates and something nice to share....
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