Ewin called me and said that her cousin Nisa is getting engaged and would like to have an engagement cake to be one of her hantaran items. Actually Nisa wanted tulips with long stems and leaves... but the request was made (prior to my busy busy weekend baking and decorating for Amy, Misa, Ellyn and En Zul ie 13-14.2.2010) so I couldn't comply with her tulip request because:
1. Due to the short notice, I dont have time to sit down and make the flowers myself and
2. When it comes to edible flowers for engagement cake, it must be spectacular and I will not compromise the deco on the cake. It will not look good on the cake and I would never ever want to be associated with shoddy work....
Note: Which is exactly why it is very very important to give me ample time k...
The deco requested by Nisa was the cake to be all white and that she would like dots on the side. I just love this kind of design for a cake - classy and simple. That is how it should be.
The arrangement was for Nisa's Aunty/cousin to pick up the cake from my house on THURSDAY and hence I have made plans and arrangement to deco the cake the night before... AFTER... dinner, Emir has taken his bath etc etc... cause that would my routine when it comes to a maintaining a normal and functional time at home.. how can I work when both my main men are hungry and cranky right?
530 pm - got home after picking up Emir from Nursery and went straight to the kitchen (still in my work clothes)

Can you see the white ribbon? The same is "glued/attached" to the cake using royal icing.

So, I suggested to Nisa and that I'd go to My Sweet Secret at Matang (they supply beautiful beautiful flowers from http://www.cakeconnection.com.my/ ) and take photos of the flowers they have there and mms the same to her for her to choose.
The deco requested by Nisa was the cake to be all white and that she would like dots on the side. I just love this kind of design for a cake - classy and simple. That is how it should be.
Oh ya, I forgot to mention to you that Nisa is in Bintulu? And that initially the cake was suppose to try by ROAD all the way to Bintulu from Kuching... which of course gave me a headache just thinking about it! But later on, there was a change of plan.. a good one .. apparently he aunty would travel by plane to Bintulu and she would be bringing the engagement cake to Nisa. Alhamdulillah...
Yes... there is still a BUT to this story...
The arrangement was for Nisa's Aunty/cousin to pick up the cake from my house on THURSDAY and hence I have made plans and arrangement to deco the cake the night before... AFTER... dinner, Emir has taken his bath etc etc... cause that would my routine when it comes to a maintaining a normal and functional time at home.. how can I work when both my main men are hungry and cranky right?
But on WED I got an sms and a call from Aunty Norlia, Ewin's mom that apparently Nisa's aunty's flight on Thursday was actually at 730 AM.... and NOT noon as they thought... and that her aunt actually lives in 12th Mile and that the arrangement would be for me to send to Aunty Norlia's house and somebody would send the cake to Nisa' Aunty's house later that night... I told Aunty Norlia to inform the people at her house that I'd be coming over atleast by 10pm ... or sooner if I could complete the cake earlier.
Chronology of event:
530 pm - got home after picking up Emir from Nursery and went straight to the kitchen (still in my work clothes)
(6pm - 8pm - managed to catch Americal Idol while kneading fondant & decorating cake hehe)
6pm - made one batch of vanilla buttercream and frosted my cake.

... started with the base of my cake board. Finally got to use my patchwork embosser - lovely lovely effect...

... covered the whole cake with fondant

... I covered the side of the cake with white ribbon. This is my first attempt at doing this and had my handy cake decorating book on the side as I do this.. and it turned out great! Now I've got plenty of ideas of how to use ribbons for my future fondant cakes!

... prepared my royal icing and made those tiny dots around the cake ... and ...
MY FONDANT CAKE is done! As I said, I just love white fondant cake... just keep it nice and simple and it will turn out great!
Now, it's time for the flowers... I bought two types of flowers at My Sweet Secret.
They are:

1. Rubrum Lily Brunch and

2. Blossom Filler Spray
Basically, when I buy these flowers I would have already envisioned how they would look on the cake and that is exactly how I would know what to buy in the first place.
(All the above was completed within 3 hours and I manage to deliver the cake by 930pm)
Note: Which is why DATE and TIME of pick up is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Please take note ok peeps... dont give me gray hair aaaa)
So peeps, here it is, Nisa's Engagement cake:

On top of the box, I gave a few instructions and prayed hard that the cake will make it safely to Bintulu for Nisa's big day:

1. NOT to keep the cake in the fridge.
2. Keep the box slightly open for ventilation.
3. Keep the box at a cool and dry place/an aircond room.
Anyways, Enjoy the pictures and thank you for taking the time reading this entry...
Despite rushing for time, I am happy that the cake turned out wondeful!
Congrates Nisa on your engagement day!
The occasional Amazing Race engagement cake decorator
Note: I called Nisa and happy to say peeps... the cake made it all they way to Bintulu .. in good condition and she's happy with it... phieeww... sigh of relief there...
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