Nov 21, 2009

Sparkly ting-a-ling-a-ling - Tinkerbell cake / 3rd time covering whole cake with fondant

Remember my previous entry:

Well, here it is ... the orders in details by En Awg Hashim for a combined birthday party for Yasmin and Abby.


When both he and his wife came over to the house, he ordered thirty (30) pieces of MyCupcakes (Later added another 2) with similar theme and design I did for Zara and here they are:

When he showed me a picture of MyCupcakes taken at Zara's birthday and how he described how he wanted the cupcakes for Yasmin and Abby to look like I basically have an idea how they would turn out. As I have stated in previous entry(ies), if I know how and for whom the function would be.. it makes the job easier and in this case... for two cute 3 and 8 year old girls... MyCupcakes then must be cute to the max and colours and colours of course!

I forgot to mention that little Yasmin also came to the house with En Awg and his wife Aida and she too was excited taking peeks at pictures of cupcakes on our handphones. Having met one of the bday girls made the work so much easy... she is so adorable.. so girly girly...

Here they are peeps, cupcakes for Yasmin and Abby:

Cuteness! I loved the colours!


But the exciting part is that when En Awg later text-ed me whether I can deco a cake based on the following pictures (Will put up the same later) which he got from the net and of course I said yes! I just love this kind of orders and am always up to the challenge. Plus as I told En Awang I dont think I would be getting a lot of order for this sort of decorated cake (mainly due to the cost factor) and I also wanted to see how much work/time/effort (Muscle power) would be involved in creating such order.

But a cake covered wholly with fondant is sure is pretty! Just surf the net peeps and you would know exactly what I mean. The work these creative people do online is mind boggling... they are so beautiful and I shall strive to produce the best customised orders for you to the best of my abilities.

As you are all aware I love this kind of order and based on combined imagination and the pictures I came up with the following:

What do you guys think?

10" chocolate chiffon cake
2.7kg - cake only
2.8kg - cake with layer of vanilla buttercream frosting
layered with light pink full fondant and fondant deco
fondant used was roughly 1.3 kg

Total cake weight amounted to 4kg! phieewww....

I told En Awang that I dont have time to do the WHOLE Tinkerbell as per picture 1 above (which I will put up later) but I think the face and the wing would be sufficient for Tinkerbell's theme.

The cake would never have worked without capturing the essence of Tinkerbell right?... and courtesy of my other half... Tinkerbell's face was Hand drawn with edible Ink... Kudos and credit to En Erwin Effendy bin Sajali.... I tried drawing tinkerbell's face and tried using fondant to do the eyes and mouth etc... but didnt really work... but am happy to say the finishing touch was done by Erwin and alhamdulillah... we got Tinkerbell yeay!!

Initially I wanted to maintain the white base for the cake cause I was thinking that it would highlight the colours of all the flowers I did and that there will be small round fondant maybe with... lavender colour in the middle of the cake to highlight tinkerbell's face and wings... but En Awg said that he'd like the base of the cake to be light pink as it is her daughter's fav colours... and light pink it is... and it turned out beautiful! I bought those lovely tiny pearls and they looked stunning against the light pink of the cake! wonderful wonderful...

This is my THIRD attempt covering a whole cake with fondant and it was a good one! Third time's a charm... and insya allah will be put to good use for Ju's cake next week...

It takes a whole lotta of muscle power peeps kneading the almost 1.3kg-1.5kg fondant ... and a whole lotta time... It took me almost 3 hours to finish decorating the cake... but am so happy with the final result and so was En Awg... and for that I am happy...

Note: I requested pictures of the girls with their cake from En Awg and he said he will email them later and the best part was that he told me that the girls had a blast taking pictures with the cake... happy happy

Pictures courtesy of En Awang:

(That's cute-sy pie little Yasmin in the middle)


I thought it'd be nice to have a 3-D tinkerbell figurine.. but prior to putting it on the cake I asked En Awg first whether he'd like to have it on the cake and he said ok...

so this is MyCupcakes' birthday gift for Yasmin and Abby...

Enjoy the pictures peeps!

Happy happy joy joy
Anor @ MyCupcakes


Thanks for the order En Awg and thanks for the trust and confidence and giving me a chance to do this kind of order... For someone who has just met you once and was willing to put his trust in your hands.. PRICELESS!


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