Event: 29.11.2009 @ Ju's reception at her house
Ok, summary prior to MyCupcakes' first OFFICAL 2 Tier fondant cake:
Ju text-ed and email me whether I can bake and deco for her a 2 tier fondant cake based on a picture she sent me. I told her that I'd practise covering a cake first wholly with fondant and see whether I'd have the confidence to do it or not bearing in mind I do not have any formal training or such and the fact that the wedding cake is meant for someone's special day makes it a huge task and challenge for me!
First attempt covering a cake was a very good eye opener and my poor friend Ira had to put up with my endless questions with regards to the same. This was a really good experience as based on this first time attempt, I know what NOT to do for the next similar project.
Second attempt was wonderful! My confidence sky-rocketed when I manage to cover an 8" round pan cheese cake successfully. Baby steps peeps.. baby steps...
Third attempt and chance was given to me by the ever so generous En Awg Hashim. It gave me a firm grasp on how to cover a cake wholly with fondant cake as it was a 10" round pan cake (the size of bottom tier cake which I was planning to do for Ju).
The arrangement was for Ju to survey the market price charged by professionals and she came up with the quote and we later agreed on the terms of payments and such based on the same. The cake was supposed to be a 4kg fruit cake but once I have finished baking both the bottom and top tier weighing the same, the height does not look so good to me and so to satisfy my own expectations of my first 2 tier fondant cake, I baked double the amount and truth be told I was right! Always follow my cake sense!

Ira told me that it was going to be difficult putting the top tier unto the bottom tier and my heart was pounding like made crazy... and she was right ... that is the most difficult part doing this cake...
As the top tier cake is heavy by itself, based on my research (reading, youtube etc) - dowels were required to support the weight of the top tier cake:

So far, I have only used fondant and buttercream in both decorating my BIG CAKE and CUPCAKES... and from my reading you are to use royal icing for the details on your fondant covered cake... and I didnt want to use any raw egg white to make my royal icing cause I scared myself silly with salmonela etc etc.. so my friend Zairin came to the rescue and bought me meringue powder and courier-ed them to me vide post... plus it'll give her the chance to shop hehehe... thanks Zairin =)
With trembling hands... pounding heart ... the two cakes are assembled and I have piped the details using royal icing and I just love the pearls I bought.. they go so well with the white background of the fondant:
I thought the cake looked nice like this by itself:
To be continued....
Be sure to tuned in to Part II
(hehe... have always wanted to say/write that =) )
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