Remember my RED Collection which I made for Erwin's mother's birthday? That was when I first started with MyCupcakes. I was really happy/proud with that one cause at that stage I just started to learn how to properly pipe and deco using buttercream and the work was getting more neat ...
Anyhow, Fieza's friend (see... told you most of my entries would start with this hahhaa), ordered sixteen (16) pieces of MyCupcakes for her father for this Happy Father's Day celebration and she designed all the decoration herself based on my RED Collection! So I followed her instructions and decorated MyCupcakes as shown by Fieza's friend below:

And this is how they turned out:

Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting
She was happy with MyCupcakes and of course MyCupcakes is
happy happy too... and
that is all that matters!
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