When my BFF (Best Friend Forever), Ellyn text-ed me whether I can help to deco Qaisara's birthday cake (for her bday bash on 14.2.2010), there was no doubt in my mind that it'd be a definite BIRTHDAY GIFT from me for cute-sie lil pie... Qaisara. The cake itself was ordered by Ellyn's mom and Ellyn told me that hotel couldn't do a Tigger deco for the cake hence asking me whether I can deco the same for them ... well, a chance for me to brush up on my fondant skills... and I knew exactly how I would want them to be.
The first thing that popped in my head was to do a 2-D Tigger as the main centre piece and some birthday letterings and ... 3-D figurine for Tigger and friends (If I had and could find the time - which Alhamdulillah luckily I did manage to do so)*
Planning peeps... that's the main ingredient to decorating. Otherwise... sure stress one...
The second reason I proposed this fondant deco to Ellyn was so that she didn't have to deliver the cake to my house and in turn I have to send the cake over to hers... I could just bring over the fondant deco to her place and assemble them there unto the cake ... make sense right?
And I specifically told Ellyn that the cake must be at room temp (prior to me decorating it) otherwise... poor Tigger and friends would just wilt due to moisture.... When Ellyn first told me that they've booked the cake earlier, I was afraid that the cake would be frosted with fresh cream and true enough that was what they intended to do... and that with fresh cream you would have to keep the cake in the fridge and that's a big NO NO when it comes to fondant.... so I requested for the cake to be frosted in buttercream instead...
So we went earlier to Ellyn's house, I assemble all the fondant deco unto the cake and here it is peeps:

a kind note - if you do see me or recognise lil ol me. .. do say Hi... sometimes I am oblivious to the world esp when I go out with my son and of course... all attention and eyes are on him before he's up to mischief...
Back to deccorating Qaisara's cake:
Almost there...

Tadaaaa... here it is peeps....

You like? =) Me like-y very much too ... am so happy with the deco =)
Enjoy the pictures!
Happy birthday Qaisara Khadijah.
Beautiful daughter to proud parents - Foraiza and Ellyn...
Word of the day: *ger ger ie Tigger by Qaisara Khadijah
Word of the day: *ger ger ie Tigger by Qaisara Khadijah
From: Uncle Win, Aunty Anor and bro Emir...
People always ask me when do I have the time to do this... here and there peeps... like for these figurines I manage to do them during my lunch break.... gotta be creative not just in terms of the deco... but also in actually finding time to do them =)
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