Hui Min wanted fifty (50) boxes (later on she added five (5) more) of four cupcakes for each box and that they are to be decorated as follows:

baby romper
baby stroller
"it's a girl"
(I added the letter "J" and small pink "heart")
This is the completed individual packing:

All fifty five (55) boxes were packed in two huge boxes - which luckily can fit both my little Savvy and Hui Min's MyVi.

I have never made stickers before and ... gosh, am so easily pleased... even going to a sticker kiosk was already exciting for me... silly me! Anyways, there is a small kiosk next to KFC at Hopoh where they do all kinds, shapes and sizes of stickers for you. Was even thinking of doing stickers with Emir's name on it and stick them all to all of his belongings hahhaa...

Note: Stickers and the extra five boxes were on the house - just a tiny little full moon bday gift from MyCupcakes.
Thanks Hui Min for the order. It was nice to finally meet you in person.
Again, congrates on your new little bundle of joy... here's welcoming you to motherhood =)
Still fairly a new mummy....
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