Feb 22, 2010

Don't you have a "Package"?

A customer called me asking about how much would I charge for engagement cupcakes and I would normally answer (be it by sms/email/calls) would be "how would you like your deco to be?" ... and once I have the answer like... "I would like 25 pieces of simple swirl deco ..." ... then my answer would be then "for simple swirl deco I charge each cupcake at RM2/piece so in total your amount would be RM50.00.

OR that in certain cases... "I would like 16 pieces of simple swirl deco but I would like them to be packed in those clear window box". So I would then answer, your total then would be RM40 (ie RM2 X 16 = RM36) and you just add RM4 for the box.

Case closed. Deal sealed.... next move to arrange time to bake and deco and to ensure orders are completed.

How I wish that it was that simple...

but then again... my cupcakes are not decorated just by simple swirl... hence all the special request/decorated ones like BEN10 theme... with specific writings... are charged at RM2.50/piece and in this case, calculation is still easy. but then there are also requests like mini fondant handbags, bikinis... tiny hearts... fondant letterings... each deco would vary depending on difficulty of requests... and not taking into accounts top full fondant plus fondant deco...

Hence, the variation to the pricing.. but when it comes to fondant deco it would roughly be:

buttercream with fondant deco - RM3 - RM3.50
top full fondant (with deco) RM4 -5
(Still as I said prices will vary subject to request)

Initially peeps... I fell in love with cupcakes and decorating them as pretty as they should be but later on... little did I know that I would fall in love again... with decorating cakes! Who would've guessed that from lil tiny cakes that I would be decorating cakes for birthdays... to engagement... to wedding cakes!

So, here's where the headache starts for me .. how do I charge? How to customize details for my cakes and the pricing? For example, the size of cake... the frosting involved... then comes fondant (and that is different game altogether). Others seemed to be doing it effortlessly when it comes to this... which is why it is sooo much easier to just give them away right? Like the fondant cake I did for Aina, Aini and Alya... or the Tigger deco for Qaisara... or bday cake for Suszainne...

So far I have finalised a few of my BIG cake pricing and it is still a working progress...

What I would hope in the near future that I would be able to finalize the pricing (neither do I want to over charge MyCupcakes' customer nor do I want to over charge either right?) wherein what I aspire from that is that you... our customers would be able to crunch the numbers and punch all the right digits on your calculators and roughly estimate how much your very own order would be... both for cupcakes and big decorated cakes...

We are still a working progress peeps... so much to learn and to improve...

The reason for this entry was prompted by a question - "kitak sekda package ka?" (Dont you have a specific package pricing?". And my answer to her was that... it all depends on what you want ... and not one order is the same ....

For eg, for a minimum order of 16 - and the requests are as follows:
5 swirls then it'll be RM10 and
10 of special request cupcakes, then it will be RM25 and
1 top covered with fondant with a mini fondant handbag deco then it will be RM4.50
packed in clear window box - to add RM4
So here you total sum order would be RM43.50

.... hence my answer to that would be as of now, I do NOT have a specific package pricing."

Note: hmmm... maybe I should be thinking about this - fix my price and come up with specific package pricing like RMxx.xx for XX no of cupcakes with specific deco) ... hmmm... let me sit on this and see how ok?

Then again... if you guys have some more suggestions for me to improve on this... do drop some comments... any inputs is much appreciated.


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