Azreeny and Herman's little boy Ahmad Darwisy is turning 1 yr old! Yeay!
Happy bday to you! Happy bday to you Darwisy! May you grow up to be a healthy and happy happy boy!
Azreeny, mama to Elisa and Darwisy;
(that's how she refers to herself whenever she talks to me... mummy Emir =) and vice versa)
... ordered MyCupcakes' 1kg Cheese cake and asked for simple HAPPY BDAY DARWISY wordings and initially she requested for Mickey as deco for the same but I asked her whether I can do something else for Darwisy since honestly, my hand drawn Mickey Mouse is terrible!
She said ok and I told her that I'd give Darwisy a BEAR as a bday gift ... a BEAR fondant that is hehe... ... as bday gift from me, Erwin and Emir....
Plus I made two (2) extra red sports car (From Hasrina's order - I always make extra ones as my PLAN B in the event something happens to any of my fondant deco)
So here it is peeps:

I am happy with how this turned out!
Lovely lovely and Cuteness cuteness
Happy bday Darwisy!
Thanks Reeny for the order! Enjoy the cake!
Aunty Anor
Uncle Erwin
:( my bday boy is still demam since his bday but happy!!!! cos the cheese cake is yummy! n cute! stamped with approval from elisa, of course.
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