Florence Lau ordered one hundred (100) pieces of MyCupcakes to celebrate her daughter, JAN's FULL MOON celebration and wanted to give them away as gifts to her family and friends.

She also ordered four (4) extra cuppies (ELMO) for her son because she told me that he kept asking for ELMO after seeing my ELMO designs (which later Florence told me that he had one in the car for supper, another one for breakfast and she had to keep the other two for later)
Initially, she e-mailed me me wanting a HELLO KITTY and MINNIE MOUSE edible images but I told her that I won't be able to comply due to the short notice as I need to order from my supplier and that it would take time to reach me.
Finally, she decided to proceed with the order with buttercream frosting and the decorations are to include - to write JAN's name unto MyCupcakes and to follow the designs I did for Niza (the pink baby shower theme) and told me to keep the decorations nice and simple. I basically have an idea of how she would want MyCupcakes for JAN to be.... the deco must be just nice... not too much... but just nice =)

She came all the way to our house from 7th mile.
Apparently she found us from our add at http://www.mudah.my/Home-made-personalised-cupcakes-bake-to-order-3612013.htm
So Erwin and I got to talking about how MyCupcakes' customers (from all walks of lives) are willing to come all the way to our house and putting their faith and trust in MyCupcakes' hands to make the best looking and yummy-licious cupcakes best suited for their function. We're so touched! This makes us even more determined to deliver to the best of our abilities beautiful beautiful cupcakes for you!!
So here they are (in their individual packaging):

JAN, Rainbow, baby onesies, baby pram, baby bottle
Thanks Florence for the order and was nice meeting you!
Enjoy your cupcakes!
Pictures courtesy of Florence Lau:

Florence said that her mom thought that MyCupcakes were mail ordered... all the way from Singapore.. we're happy to hear that =) ...
**Oh ya! Small world that we're in the same "professional" line of work =)
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