I had lunch with Erwin and a good friend Bob yesterday and we had a very very nice lunch. Erwin had sirloin steak and I had the vietnamese (really huge) prawns and Bob had a nice sandwich and mushroom pizza. Nice place and nice food and nice company =)
We were talking about MyCupcakes, among others, of course... and Bob mentioned that somebody was actually referring to MyCupcakes' blog as references in creating their own. That is rather flattering especially when MyCupcakes' blog was created out of love and in the comfort of our home and was just basically done to showcase our work and how we have progressed throughout and that we are happy with it as it suits us and how we would like our blog to be and look like. But for someone to be referring to our blog as a point of reference, it is rather un-expected and very flattering considering there are thousands of other blogs of similar interests online and much better than ours.
MyCupcakes' biggest order to date was an order of 200 pieces of MyCupcakes as a wedding door gift and that they'll be flying all the way to Bintulu carried in 5 boxes by 4 travelling adults. My My! We have come a long way. Who would've guessed?
We officially launched our blog on the 2.5.2009 (I remember this date because we planned to launch the blog on 1.5.2009 what with it being a public holiday and all but then again had to postpone to the day after due to some prior engagements). Which means to date (14.8.2009), we've been going on our our mini cupcake adventures for the past 3 months 12 days and see what we have accomplished!
We've made many investments in our equipment - fondant tools, cupcakes stand etc; joined a cupcake decorating class; made new friends who share our passion in cupcakes; met many of MyCupcakes' customers of different walks of life and made them happy (this is what matters in life right?); and made all these beautiful decorated cupcakes which even we had to convince ourselves that We made them! =)
Even our boy now Emir can say "kaaap... kek" and would point to MyCupcakes ... so proud of him too hehehe...
Still there are always plenty of room to improve and better yourself in your trade! There's even requests to make a 3-tier wedding cake! Who would've thought huh? =)
We're so proud of MyCupcakes and we couldn't have done it without your supports in putting your faith and parting with you hard earned cash in us in creating personalised cupcakes for you! We couldn't have done it without your endless ideas and themes of how you would like your cupcakes to be.
Do remember, we are always up to the challenge of making beautiful and yummy cupcakes for you.
Thanks peeps for all your support =)
and yes... We're so proud of MyCupcakes =)
Happy happy joy joy
your cupcakes & cakes are beautiful
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