Ruby ordered two hundred (200) yes.... you read it correctly... 200 pieces of MyCupcakes for a wedding reception to be held in.... BINTULU!!!
When she first text-ex me about the order, the first thing that came to mind is that how is she going to carry all those 200 pieces of MyCupcakes to Bintulu?! I am of course up to the challenge of completing this order as this is MyCupcakes' biggest order to date.
The challenges are as follows:
First, the amount of order (inclusive of time of baking).
Second, the transportation
Third, the storage
Fourth, the decoration
Fifth, the packaging
Initially, the arrangement was to have the cupcakes packaged individually using the individual plastic container with dome lid which I have but then again I suggested to Ruby that to use plastic container which flat lid would be better as we would be able to stack the individual packaging in boxes and that would be easier for transporting the same on board a plane to Bintulu and also counting the journey to their house.
Ruby requested swirl and flower themed cupcakes for the wedding door gift.
What an experience?! Alhamdulillah I manage to deliver on time and I think Ruby heard my sigh of relief all the way in Bintulu when she told me that the cupcakes have arrived safely and in good condition.
So here they are:

The decoration

The swirl design
This is MyCupcakes' first official design... simple yet classy...
Me like-y.. one of my fav decos!

The flower design
Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

Box 4

Box 5

How they were stacked in the boxes:

The five boxes

All of the 200 pieces of MyCupcakes
What an experience!
hi anor,
ruby here , yup it was quite a herculean task to transport all 200 cuppies safely to btu ..actually i made it back to kch a day before and join the travelling party back to btu on friday so in d end there were 5 of us ..but still ok juak, placed the boxes in the cabin luggage space..muat if u stacked 2 boxes on top one another..
im happy to report the cuppies arrived at my house in 200 perfect pieces and were ooh-aahhed by the guests the next day ..a few hv also been asking about where to get them too ..hehe..ney tauk lepas tok xport all over swk nak ;)
thanks again for baking those luvlies ..
p/s: it was not a wedding kenduri but just a small doa selamat hehe but if it were a wedding il b placing an order w u too :)..gerenti eh
hi ruby
first of all i am happy that you and your guests are happy with our labour of love ya... and we thank you for putting your trust and "majlis doa selamat" with our little cupcakes =)
thanks again for the order and giving us the chance to see what we can do... biggest order to date and alhamdulillah, we delivered in time!
Hi Anor,
Thank you for your prompt reply. My fiance, Justin had just emailed you yesterday. We do love your cupcake designs. If this is the largest order yet, you are in for a real treat from us. =P Probably 250-280. Hope you can manage. We'll keep the design simple for you to get the order out in time. =) At least you won't have to transport as wedding will be in Kuching. =P We'll be in touch through email shortly. I love your website. Looks yummy! Keep up the good work.
Hi Ellen
Thanks to the both of you for your kind compliments.
We do try! =)
Yup, it is a real treat and a real challenge... no worries, to the best of my abilities will make sure that they cupcakes for your big day will be wonderful and delivered on time!
Thanks again Ellen and Justin for dropping by.
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