A new customer, Sharin who was introduced to me by Sue ordered twenty five (25) pieces of MyCupcakes to celebrate Izzul Iman's 2nd birthday. She came over to our house with Sue who came to pick up her order. She liked what she saw and placed her order vide e-mail and requested for ten (10) edible images of Thomas & friends, to write Happy 2nd Bday Izzul Iman (a wonderful name by the way) and the rest are to have a blue and white theme.
He sure loves his Thomas & Friends.
Due to some unfortunate circumstances involving Izzul Iman's health it had to be postponed from Thurs to Sunday 30.8.2009 which is absolutely fine by me.
So here they are:

Happy Birthday Izzul Iman and do recover soon!
On pick up day, saw the birthday boy and Sharin said that he's recovering but still needs monitoring... alhamdulillah, aunty prays that you will recover completely. Amin.
Salam Anor...
was waiting for this post so that I can say THANK YOU for the cuppies.. Iman loves it, and of course, he wanted the Thomas one, but due to his condition that day, we only allowed him to take one (actually half) cupcake...
Paling cute, malar jak nya amik gambar cupckes ya pakei camera mainan nya... hehehe...
Salam Sharin
owwhh how adorable!
and of course.... you're welcome... was happy decorating them for Iman =)
if you have pictures of him with his cupcakes/him taking pictures of his cupcakes with his toy camera would be nice to be uploaded here =)
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