Siti Rohana ordered twenty (20) pieces of MyCupcakes to celebrate her daughter, Nurul Asydah or fondly known as UUN's 3rd birthday and requested for the 10 pieces to be in purple and the rest to have a pink theme. UUN herself came but was asleep in the car so we didnt get to meet the birthday girl.
She said she leaves all the decorating to me and so long as they are "cute", then it's ok for her.
She said she leaves all the decorating to me and so long as they are "cute", then it's ok for her.
Last night (24.8), Siti Rohana came to our house to pick up her cupcakes and she brought along her youngest daughter and it has been awhile since I held a baby of her age and it felt kinda awkward since my son is now an un-stoppable running and climbing machine....
Emir said "" and I was surprised that he wasnt jealous or anything..... After Siti and family left, we asked Emir whether he would like a baby and he nodded his head... So cute =) and Insya Allah...
So here they are:

Enjoy the pictures!
Thanks Siti Rohana for the order.
thanks annor....
anak2 kmk suka cupcakes ktk ya....
lak kmk order gik ngn ktk utk brthdy anak kmk NUR HANNA HAZIQAH(1 tahun)bulan 3 lak.....
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