Niza, a friend of Fieza Zaza ordered twenty five (25) pieces of MyCupcakes for a baby shower theme and for course wanted them to be so cuttttteeeeee... and pink... cause it's a girl!!!

Here they are:

What do you think?
Enjoy the pictures!
Thanks Niza for the order =)
kak nor nang nyaman eh, cute giler g ya. rasa nak d engkah mek lam kotak jak pake diat eh. nice deal dgn ktk kak nor, cant wait for raya pun order. ada kah? maok g kah nerimak order for raya ?
Hi niza
thanks for the order =)
baby shower pink2 mestilah cute2 nak? kmk suk juak molah sebenarnya haha...
raya order - insya allah masih ngambik, tapi mauk padah awal owh, dpt kmk arrange time =)
kak anor
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