This is going to be a long entry so please bear with me.
Niza, a friend of Nizam's (who happens to be my sis' colleague) wife (Mira) came to know of MyCupcakes of course from that thread of connection and she called me up to order twenty (20) pieces of MyCupcakes for her daughter, Alya's 3rd birthday celebration.
She wanted a cartoon theme-d cupcakes especially DORAEMON as they were Pretty Alya (she is fondly called by this name by her family members) favourite cartoon characters.
Niza told me that she wanted MyCupcakes to celebrate her daughter's birthday on the 26.8.2009 (AFTER breaking fast) but the arrangement for pick up from our place would be the night before ie 25.8.2009 @ 10pm-ish.
Of course I took note of her orders and I am very particular about MyCupcakes' customer's orders as they have put their faith on MyCupcakes to come up with yummy-licious and beautiful cupcakes and of course most importantly TO DELIVER ON TIME!
This is the FIRST time that I have ever made a mistake with my noting down of MyCupcakes' order and instead of putting in my calendar (manually prior to updating MyCupcakes' calendar online) that the pick up was suppose to be on the 25.8, I mistakenly put Niza's order as pick up on the 26.8!!!
When she called me and told me that she was on the way to our house on the night of the 25.8.2009, I was shocked and for the first time I had to tell a customer that her cupcakes were not ready as promised! This is the first time this has had ever happened to me and I was so sad and very disappointed with myself. I profusely apologised to Niza and told her that if she is willing to come a bit later that night her cupcakes for Alya would be ready. Niza told me that she wont be able to pick up the cupcakes cause she just came back from work (night shift) and this makes me feel even worse and I feel SO guilty!!! Then she told me that is it ok if she were to cancel her order and I told her that I would understand but then again I told her, since she did order MyCupcakes for Alya, by hook or by crook, I will make sure Alya will get her Doraemon cupcakes!
So I offered to send them to her and she said yes! and YES YES YES... I was happily jumping up with joy...
The next morning, she text-ed me and told me that it was her off day and that I was to leave the cupcakes with her colleague who would send them over to her place. But I told her I would like to see her and deliver the cupcakes myself and especially so I would be able to apologise to her personally for the silly mistake I did.
Niza was so kind that she told me that I shouldn't worry so much as it was an honest mistake. But a mistake nonetheless and the thought of her husband driving to our house straight from picking her up from work expecting the cupcakes to be ready kept playing in my head...
So that morning I went over to her place before going to work to see her and Alya and deliver the cupcakes. I gave Alya five (5) FREE cupcakes with disney princess edible images. It is not much and does not in any way make it right but thought it'd be nice for Alya and especially to make up for any inconveniences I have caused to Niza and family.
Plus I told Erwin, that this should never have happened (an honest mistake but still it should never have happened in the first place especially to those who knows how particular I am with fulfilling my promises to MyCupcakes' customers). This is also a matter of MyCupcakes' reputation and good name. I am of the firm believer that MyCupcakes' customers are willing to order and put their faith in our hands because they believe in our good name and work and especially in delivering on time..
I take this matter seriously peeps and pray to Allah Almighty it will never ever happen again and I believe the reason this has happened is somehow Allah swt has His own ways of making MyCupcakes to be more alert and attentive in scheduling our orders!
Nonetheless, here they are:

Niza told me that Alya loved the Doraemon and that she already ate a few after we left =)
almost brought me to tears..
So emo I know.... well, that's just me =)
So emo I know.... well, that's just me =)
**Thanks sayang for driving all the way to Tabuan with me to send MyCupcakes to Niza and Alya.
**Love you lots muah muah
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