My sister's colleague ordered twelve (12) pieces of MyCupcakes for his child's teacher's day event for Friday (29.5.2009) and also requested that the writings on MyCupcakes to be the same writings I did for Baby Khaira.
I'm surprised that they requested for the said writing. Honestly, I know that they looked so cute on Baby Khaira's MyCupcakes but didn't quite expect that it would actually generate requests haha.... AM HAPPY (beaming actually!)
Remember Kak Siti and Kak Sal? Same thing this time around.
My sister promoted MyCupcakes to her friends and colleagues but of course I feel the pressure of doing the best for her.
Here they are:

Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting
I am happy that my sis' colleague is happy because if her colleague is happy then my sister would be happy because she can then happily go to work and see a happy smile on her colleague's face.
So the drama hahaha
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