Last Monday (29.5.2009) my friend Syukri YM-ed and wanted to order 28 pieces (later he added 5 more of MyCupcakes with simple swirl for himself) of MyCupcakes for his cousin's birthday and showed me exactly what he wanted!
I was estatic!! I loved what he wanted to do!
But the thing was, based on the picture he showed me, MyCupcakes was to be decorated with fondant! And with fondant we need time and time and yes more time! Time for me to make them and time for the fondant to dry! And he wanted them to be ready on Friday night! On top of that MyCupcakes' calendar was quite full this week!
Despite the lack of time, I was adamant to take his orders and I think I was looking forward to it more than Syukri himself hahaha... So that night itself I slept at 2am making the WHITE ones.... and also slept at 2am tuesday night to make the BLACK ones....
Lucky me and for Syukri, the weather was hot and dry enough for my fondant to dry by friday afternoon... pheewww!
For those who knows me well, I treasure my sleep.. and for me to give up my precious sleeping time, then it must be something big like this special request by my dear friend!
Once they were ready, i literally IMMEDIATELY called Syukri to come over to the house and just couldn't wait to pass them to him!!
Did it pay off!?
Have a look and here they are:

Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting
(The buttercream acts as "glue" to stick the fondant unto MyCupcakes)
What do you guys think?
For me, it was indeed a very rewarding and satisfying feeling!
Thanks again Syuk, am looking forward to our next project.
But please give me ample time and notice k... I need my beauty sleep =)
It was definitely sleep deprivation time well spent! =)
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