tq sis :) sori nyusah last minute tp brownies ktk nyaman.. bila nk bukak order? hehehe
Hi Ibu Imanur welcome, kmk ingat wedding cake pake syah ya on the 19th tapi it was on the 20th, so i can take your order =)re brownies: testing ajak ya k makan2... maybe I should include that dalam list cake kamek owh =)
assalam...kmk mok tnyak, cmney hoo mok order cupcake..??4 engagement...ktk d perumahan nk..mek mok detail price...
dkne nak tempah cupcakes tok oh?
Kuching Sarawak Home based establishment (online) specialising in Cupcakes.
tq sis :) sori nyusah last minute tp brownies ktk nyaman.. bila nk bukak order? hehehe
Hi Ibu Iman
ur welcome, kmk ingat wedding cake pake syah ya on the 19th tapi it was on the 20th, so i can take your order =)
re brownies: testing ajak ya k makan2... maybe I should include that dalam list cake kamek owh =)
kmk mok tnyak, cmney hoo mok order cupcake..??
4 engagement...ktk d perumahan nk..mek mok detail price...
dkne nak tempah cupcakes tok oh?
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