Felicia ordered twenty (20) pieces of MyCupcakes for Felix, her brother's 18th birthday and requested them to have a LEO (Horoscope) theme being a LEO that he is. I thought that is a mighty fine theme and was of course happy to oblige!
A quick one - when Felicia and her mother came to pick up MyCupcakes for Felix from our house, Felicia's mother, Mdm Lim told me that she heard about MyCupcakes from HAS (refer previous entry)=. It just so happen Mdm Lim was sending a patient up for x-ray and met Has on the day she got her cupcakes and... but of course, Has had to promote MyCupcakes to her! So cute!
Might have something special for Has for being such a good supporter of MyCupcakes hehehe
Anyways, Erwin did a lot of homework about LEO and this is how they turned out:
Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting
Thanks Felicia and Mdm Lim for your order!
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